Looking for Daybreak apartment in Lithuania ? Dayrent.lt is first specialized short-term hourly apartment rental service in Lithuania, offering the opportunity to find the flat, apartment or room by hours, meeting your specific requirements to work, meet and rest.
Dayrent.lt is a service, where the owners of apartments are directly advertised without intermediaries, what guarantees the lowest prices and availability to get price discount when staying for a longer period of time. In addition, visitors are provided by direct contacts of rent owners, giving the opportunity to learn all the important information from first-hand before you choose where to stay.
Dayrent.lt is part of Trumpam.lt
Dayrent.lt - find the most beautiful day break apartments in Lithuania near you, from rooms, private flats to entire houses
for one hour, day night or week. The idea is to provide a great home feeling atmosphere for anyone who
decided to rest and use hourly apartment rental service as a place for work and inspiration.
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