Change city

Hourly rental in Kunigiskes

Found 5 listings
Change city
35 per 3 h
1 0,131861,131860,131862 Cozy double room with shower
Separate room Kunigiskes
60 per 3 h
1 0,112453,112460,112455,112450,112456,112458,112454,112437,112438,112440,112441,112442,112443,112444,112445,112446,112447,112448,112459 Mano Jura apartments
Apartment Kunigiskes
60 per 3 h
1 0,120234,120226,120286,120233,120223,120235,120224,120228,120281,120278,120279,120280,120282,120283,120284,120285 Gintarinė KOPA Kunigiškiai
Apartment Kunigiskes
90 per 3 h
1 0,122134,122129,122128,122130,122131,122132,122133,122135,122136,122137 Studio apartment with terrace
Apartment Kunigiskes
70 per 3 h
1 0,122334,122351,131503,122353,122352,122354,131728 3-room apartments in Kunigiskes
Apartment Kunigiskes

Looking for a place to stay in Kunigiskes ?
Dayrent offers a huge selection of hourly or day use accommodation and offers apartments for short stay in the best locations at an affordable price.
With Dayrent you can rent a flat, private room, house, apartment with all amenities for an hour,day or night in any area of Kunigiskes directly from the owner.